The Power of

Hope & Joy

There is a powerful, untapped measure of hope and joy available in God which people must step into to thrive in the time in which we live. Set against her own struggles with sickness, Jennifer unlocks the keys which transformed her life, learning how to continuously live in outrageous hope and joy regardless of life’s circumstances.

Finally, the day came.

It was mild, the kind of overcast northern English summer day which refuses to give heat, but has left the extremes of winter behind. It seemed ordinary but it was not.

Arriving early, I heard the words, ‘Jennifer O’Brien?’ My name rang out in the patient room as the nurse scanned waiting faces searching for a reaction. I got up catching her eyes and followed meekly. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. I wondered if she knew the enormity of the occasion. I felt the urge to shout out to the faces in the waiting room, ‘Don’t you know I’m about to find out if I have…’

An unforgettable time being interviewed by Louise Reid about my book! Click on the link to hear us chat about my life's journey, discovering the power of hope and joy, and how to walk in them! So grateful for these times that connect us


  • "You don't get to meet many people that hold onto hope and joy despite life's circumstances like Jennifer does. If you need an infusion of hope, joy and contentment in the present, then you need to indulge yourself in this incredible read!"

    Chris Gore

  • "Jennifer's book 'The Power of Hope & Joy' is her journey of finding hope and joy through every circumstance. Our love and respect for her is indescribable. This book will truly inspire readers."

    Ian and Jane McCormack

  • Jennifer's story is at once piercing, heart-wrenching, immovably honest, and beautifully vulnerable. It is ultimately a story of seemingly impregnable hope, joy and peace which defies circumstances... Jennifer is one who walks with God telling us that if we have Jesus, we have all we need."

    Dominic Muir

  • "Written honestly, unflinchingly and extremely well, this is not a misery memoir but a book full of humour and life. Jennifer is a masterful storyteller, and her character and indeed her joy shines through her unique voice."

    Emily Barroso